Thursday, April 23, 2015

Citta and Yoga

One should rightly understand the word Citta.  Citta is not just mind.  It is not confined to mind alone.  It is the sum total consciousness pervading the whole of body-mind complex.  Being conscious the Citta is aware on its own and it is awareness by itself. 
Citta is more than being conscious and aware or awareness.  It is a receiver, recorder, creator and causal entity. 
Citta receives and records things perceived by mind and senses as latent impression.  It creates or causes creation of thoughts by mind and on its own generates feelings, emotions, attachments, and aversions. 
By nature, Citta is in continuous flux and at that state there cannot be lasting peace and happiness.
The lasting peace and happiness can only be achieved when we burn out all latent impression and stop Citta from undergoing continuous flux.
When the continuous flux occurring in Citta is arrested, the Citta attains its real original pure state.  At that real original pure state of Citta the genuine feeling of equanimity, true love and compassion towards others emanates. 
It is the change taking place in Citta is responsible for suffering.   But what options we have.  We are living in phenomenal world -the Samsara.  By nature we are subject to change and we cannot escape from change.  We cannot change the phenomenal world and we cannot run away from it. 
But we do have options.  We have two options to escape suffering.  The first option is realize pure Citta by not letting it to change. 
The second option is to change the way we respond to change by inculcating human values at an early age. 
By practicing the Eighfold Yoga, one cultivates human values and purifies one's Citta.  When we possess good human value and our Citta is pure, our actions are right and there is equanimity, the harmony, and happiness among all. 

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